The complex and evolving context of theatre acting leads to a concrete set of needs
from project partners and an urgency in pursuing a strategic partnership that
strengthens existing connections and enhances cooperation.
HE schools need to create time and space in their agendas to revise its curricula and
methodologies, for better preparing students and academics for the actual sector
Regarding the needs of HE schools’ group, in particular students and alumni, this project
will tackle skills gaps and mismatches, helping students to transit from a pedagogical
to a professional path. The project provides young artists, still in their learning process,
with the opportunity of improving their transnational work skills and perform in a
multicultural and multilingual environment.
The project enables active participation in artistic research and educational activities
for producing innovative and practical (hands on) knowledge on the chosen conceptual
framework, with the focused aim of developing new teaching/learning dynamics.
For teachers and academic researchers, the partnership will expand their network and
provide grounds for sharing of good practices as well as teaching curricula and methods,
multiplying their opportunities of having an international learning experience and
avoiding eventual stagnation. School staff will also benefit in acquiring new tools and
procedures in line with international standards.
Regarding the Theatres, project NOS creates a new network for the future, working with
students from different geographies and with different learnings, creating conditions for
production and circulation of those future performing arts professionals enhancing their
learning and exponentiating their potential in different contexts, contributing to the
improvement and development of the technical and artistic professional training system
in the theatre area. NOS is also important because create a bridge between the
institutions involved in the project, deepening the exchange of theatre culture between
Portugal, Galicia and France, as common scenic territory, and simultaneously, a viaduct
between theatres and students from the area.
Also, this project allows theatres to the fulfilling of their pedagogical objectives (an
integral part of their mission) and to take an active role in the so needed
reconfiguration of theatre education.