a. Curriculum Guide for Drama Schools, will contribute for the promotion and
implementation of curricular improvements, as well as the experiment of new
configurations of pedagogical methodologies, envisaging the development of new skills
and competences (critical thinking, social and intercultural competences, and how to
work together in a multicultural and multilingual environment).
Curriculum Guide – ‘Création Recherche-Citoyenneté artistique’ >
b. Quadrilingual publication, will be exploited for advancements in partner
institutions, advancements in the international theatre arts’ field, and also for
promoting synergies with other fields of arts, culture and knowledge. The Quadrilingual
publication, will enable the dissemination of project Nós/Nous ARCHE at a local,
regional, and international level, by presenting images and texts of seminars, creative
residencies, and labs; as well as sharing results in an open access manner; and to
contribute for raising awareness of European theatre heritage and a sense of European
cultural and artistic identity.
NÓS-NOUS book – Quadrilingual Publication >